Friday Lust

It’s been ages since I’ve written a Friday Lust post and that’s mainly because I’ve only been window (internet) shopping for things I can afford. But then Selfridges sent me an email with a link to this:

Pink Sequins

Sequin two

L.K. Bennett x Preen Sonic Dark Pink Sequin Dress, £550

If you aren’t wowed, it’s because you need to go online and see it properly – do it now!

Sequin 3

I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it. Might have to sell my house… 

New York, New York

As you may have gathered from my previous post, I have recently been to New York so it seemed rude not to post a little something about my trip.

What can I say? The city is HUGE and completely unlike any city I’ve ever been to before! All of the buildings are so tall that I don’t think you really appreciate how big they are until you come home and look at the tiddlers we have in the UK again.

Loads of people offered me hints and tips of places to go and things to see while I was there but even a week is barely enough to scratch the surface. I always recommend following your gut; if you think you’ll like it, go and if not, well don’t go.

On advice from a friend, we stayed out in Brooklyn, away from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan and I’d thoroughly recommend that. Try and get central Brooklyn though as there are loads of great bars and restaurants there. It means you have somewhere to explore if you fancy having a more relaxed brunch or a quiet(er) drink.

We also made it out to the MetLife Stadium in New Jersey to watch an American football match. I really wanted to watch a sports match out there because I’d heard that they make a huge event of it and I wasn’t disappointed. American football is great if you’re not usually a sports fan because they play for a few seconds, then there’s a minute or so when you can chat and then the play resumes and so on. Ideal for short attention spans!

Overall though, my top tips are just these:

  1. You can never leave enough time to get somewhere in Manhattan, even on foot. Get to know and love the subway
  2. Do the Empire State Building – I know it’s cliché but it’s fantastic and try and get there for sunset because that is beautiful
  3. Department stores are huge, seriously enormous compared to what we have in the UK so allow loads of time for getting lost in them!

Right, now here are some photos!

New York 089

The Rockefeller Christmas Tree

New York 030

The Statue of Liberty – as seen from a helicopter…oh, didn’t I mention that!?!

New York 084

The stunning sunset we saw from the top of the Empire State

There’s so much to see and do in the city, I really just suggest you pick a little part of it that you think will suit you and start there.

Happy travels! x

Friday Lust

It’s back…I actually have 30 seconds when I’m not exhausted and I’m able to pull together a quick blog post. I’ve only gone and produced a Friday Lust post!!!

Check these absolute beauties out:

Moda in Pelle Tavani Boots, £189.95 - HoF or Moda in Pelle

Moda in Pelle Tavani Boots, £189.95 – HoF or Moda in Pelle

You might not love leopard as much as I do, but to me those boots are heavenly. They’re leopard, they’re furry and the heel is low enough that you could actually walk in them. WIN!

What’s also a win is that while these would have been totally out of my league a couple of years ago, I might just be able to afford them. Love, love, love!

Happy pay-day shopping weekend everyone. Oh, and obviously there’s that Halloween stuff happening tomorrow too 🙂 x

Friday Lust!

Well hello there, it’s that time of the week again…it’s FRIDAY!

You’ll notice a strong commonality between this and my previous Friday Lust post; they’re both red. I love red at the best of times but I always become especially obsessed around the beginning of the AW season when the berry tones start coming back in.

This for me represents the ultimate in simple but statement elegance and I wish I had a party that would justify the purchase!

Reiss Jasmine Dress, £245

Reiss Jasmine Dress, £245

It’s just that little bit too expensive to buy on a whim but if I reach a weight loss goal I have set myself, I’ll buy it then if it’s still available in my size. Now there’s an incentive to skinny on down!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone 🙂 x

Friday Lust

It’s back! Friday Lust is here again and it’s here because there’s something I’m coveting which I really can’t afford but I want to look at it over and over again nonetheless.

Here is the item of beauty I am talking about:

Look at its beauty, it’s bright, bold, unashamed red; the wonderfully soft leather; the crisp silver zips. I’m in love! I love leather jackets anyway and this year I’ve decided that I’ll buy myself a red one as that’s what’s missing from my collection but now I’ve seen this beauty, nothing else will do and I just don’t have that kinda money sitting in the bank right now.

Bring on the AW fashion; my favourite time of the year! Happy Friday everyone x

Friday Lust

It’s that time of the week again, the time when our minds turn to shopping and the damage we’ll do to our credit cards this weekend!

This week’s Friday lust is a bit forward thinking as it’s really more of a summer thing but it’s a summer thing I’m coveting nonetheless.

Here it is:

Pretty Ballerinas Charlize, 199 Euros

Pretty Ballerinas Charlize, 199 Euros

Observe the sleek lines, the beautiful shade of nude, the shiny patent and the gorgeous pink sole. What a shoe! I LOVE IT! I may well order some of these when we get a bit nearer to the warm weather and I’ll totally be able to justify it by telling myself that they’re practical because they’re flat 🙂

Happy shopping, everyone x

Friday Lust!

It has been FOREVER since I last did a Friday lust and since we’re now back in the comfort zone of having money to burn post Christmas and New Year slump, I thought I’d catch up and put something out there that’s on my radar of potential items to own in the near future!

This week I’ve gone for a double whammy, with the simpler, more affordable (and more likely) version of something I love and the super bling-ed up version that I’ll probably only ever dream of. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Sam Edelman Hobo bag…

Sam Edelman Fringe Hobo, £278.94,

Sam Edelman Fringe Hobo, £278.94

Sam Edelman Studded Hobo, £419.82

Sam Edelman Studded Hobo, £419.82

I love both of these bags so much it’s unreal. By the time I’ve added on shipping and taxes to bring them in from the UK, the price is just crazy so I think they’ll remain pipedreams!

If anyone’s seen any equally gorgeous hobo bags, I’d love to know as I really want one but not just any old bag, I’m looking for one that stands out from the crowd like these do but perhaps at a slight more purse friendly tariff 🙂

Happy shopping, everyone! x

De-Cluttering My Mind

I read something interesting the other day which spoke about minimalism and addressed the misconception that minimalism is about not having much “stuff” in your life. The author, (a fellow blogger but I didn’t save the post) stated that minimalism is more about removing the junk from your life, the things that don’t add value.

I’m forever looking at my life and finding things and situations which don’t add value and I spend a good deal of time trying to work out how I can easily de-clutter. The other day it suddenly came to me.

Unsubscribe from all of the emails I get.

You might wonder how much of an impact that will really have on my life but I think you’ll be surprised and this might apply to you too. Every day I delete a stack of marketing emails from retailers which land in my inbox. These are from subscriptions I’ve built up over years and years and many of these emails simply hold no value for me.

Not only that but I then find myself opening some of these emails, wasting time browsing websites for things I don’t need and then spending money on things I don’t really want, just so that I have the thing I was told I needed. Except I never use it. It takes up space in my bedroom and makes me feel guilty for wasting my money on such frivolous purchases when I can’t afford repairs to my car.

Why do I do it?

That I cannot answer. But I can remove the clutter and temptation from my inbox by unsubscribing to the emails, so I have. I’ll still shop but now I’ll shop on my terms, when there’s actually something I want to buy. I won’t feel compelled to spend my money on things that really bring no value to my life and I’ll have that money to spend on experiences which will give me memories to cherish for much longer than I’d ever cherish a handbag or pair of shoes.

I admit that I sound like a weak person but that’s fine, I’ve accepted that and I’ve found my solution. It’s taken me so long to come to this conclusion though so I thought I’d share it with you in case it helps 🙂

Happy, controlled shopping x

My George at Asda Bargain Jumper

I’m a huge fan of bargainous clothing and have no qualms about shopping in budget stores, including the supermarket but it’s rare that I find anything in my local Asda that I really love. That is until a couple of weeks ago when I came across a jumper that I literally cannot stop wearing, I LOVE IT! Here it is:

Eyelash Lip Print Jumper, £16

Eyelash Lip Print Jumper, £16

I’m not normally keen on these “eyelash” jumpers that have popped up everywhere but this one literally leapt off the rail and whacked me in the face. The lip print is delightfully 80s and it’s unbelievably soft and snuggly. I cannot get enough of this and for £16, it’s just perfect! As always with supermarket clothing, they come up slightly large so I’ve gone for the size 8 instead of a 10…just a note for anyone who yo-yo’s between sizes. That’s all I have to say for now, I literally just wanted to brag about my amazing jumper 🙂 x

Halloween Weekend Fashion

Happy Halloween!!!

I know I’m a bit early but most people seem to be celebrating Halloween this weekend as it’s midweek and next weekend has been given over to Bonfire Night.

I love a bit of Halloween but then I love a bit of anything that involves dressing up and funny decorations so although I am sadly not attending any Halloween parties (boo), I couldn’t help having a bit of a browse of some Halloween fashion. Misguided have dedicated a whole section on their site to Halloween so I thought I’d share a few of my favourite bargainous costume-like pieces 🙂

Malvolia Skeleton Bodysuit, £14.99

Malvolia Skeleton Bodysuit, £14.99

Deina Lace Panel Maxi Dress In Black, £36.99

Deina Lace Panel Maxi Dress In Black, £36.99

Geva Skeleton Ring, £5.99

Geva Skeleton Ring, £5.99

I hope that whatever you get up to this weekend you have fun and stay safe, this is only the beginning of party season so don’t fall at the first hurdle! x

P.S. – Yes, black font is as wild as I could get with the formatting of this post to symbolise Halloween!